Your custom projects are welcome.

With over 20 years experience, I guide us through the commission process with fresh ideas, mad technical skills, and the vision to bring imagination to life.

From practical matters such as size, budget, colors, and traffic flow, to a consideration of architectural structures and design elements, to the overall feel, look, and purpose of the artwork, we will discover together how your space and the people who live and move in it will be best served by what is created.

You’ll have a front row seat to the magic, as it happens, in real time.

I’m so happy to see the process along the way and to appreciate that,
as well as the final piece.

I love every little bit of it and can’t wait to keep discovering more.

THANK YOU for your incredible hands and brain to create such a work. I am beyond grateful and will always, always remember
you and my first piece of commissioned artwork.

— Paula. Pittsburgh, PA.

The cost for my commissioned artwork is based on the scope and complexity of the project, and is in line with pricing for my seasonal collections plus my artist’s fee.

Requests for sliding scale pricing are invited. Payment plans are available for everyone.

Schedule your free consultation to see if custom is right for you.

No project is too big or too small.

custom portfolio coming soon